
Our Commitment to the BLUE PLANET

At Tiffosi, we are committed to the planet. We are committed to developing products with more sustainable processes that respect the environment.

More than 40% of our denim is either recycled or organic which means less pesticides are being used on growing cotton. We also use processes and technologies that allow us to save water and energy consumption on its finishing.

This is our commitment to the future. Our commitment to the Blue Planet.


Tiffosi stands in a leading position in Portugal and Spain in the multi-brand distribution channel and we are now looking to Italy as our next big market.

As such, we believe PITTI UOMO to be a pivotal step for our growth strategy in Italy. Our goal is to be present with an impactful stand, conveying a strong brand image to Italian customers, but also becoming an asset to Pitti.

We will build our stand around the concept: "Our Commitment to the BLUE PLANET".

The Blue Planet Box

Materials & Process

Watch the tutorial on how to finish the raw jeans using the material in the box.

More Creativity Less Water    More Creativity Less Water   


Milestones of our denim history


Because we are more than just denim